Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A: They live in the same car.

Welcome to our web log. From here on in, we (Carl Larson and Will Roush) will refer to it as a "blog."

Here's the deal: Will and I are driving around North America for two months. Aside from knowing that we will be spending Thanksgiving with Will's parents in Aspen, we don't really have a plan. This makes my mother nervous. She wants to know where I am going to be. Well, if you are curious too, this is the place to look. If nothing else, reading this "blog" will tell you where we have been. Here's the route so far:

-I picked Will up at LaGuardia.
-We stayed with Anne Callahan and Andy Rossmeissl in Ossining, NY.
-Will did some photo business at B&H in New York City.
-Carl got Rolf's registration renewed and got a new license in Springfield, VT.
-We went to Gigi Gatewood's birthday bash up at Blake Whitman's family place in Stowe, VT.

So right now, I'm sitting at the receptionist's desk at the Center for Northern Studies in Wolcott, VT, basically a micro-school in the middle of nowhere. Nobody's here. We just cooked up some dinner from stuff in their fridge. It's raining.

Tomorrow Will will be giving a presentation to a class here about the work he did as a Watson Fellow in Canada, New Zealand, and Norway (see link to the right). While Prof. Roush takes his show on the road to Middlebury and Dartmouth, Rolf will be getting new sneakers, an inspection sticker and a fancy schmancy ipod/car integration system in Middlebury.

From there we head up to the 1000 Islands and west through Canada.

Now, here's a debate you should be aware of: Will wants to go over Lake Superior. I want to see Chicago...desperately. Tune in to see who wins that little battle. Hint: I am an excellent whiner and it's my car.

Well, once I figure out how to put pictures on this thing, I will. I see Will already has, because he is very smart. I will also figure out how to integrate links into the text of these posts, because that seems like a very good idea.

"Pedestrian Revolt?" I don't know. It is the address for our "blog."

So, we welcome your comments, greetings, destination suggestions, and offers to sleep on either your couch or floor (no beds please). In fact, here's a deal for you: send us your mailing address as a comment to one of these posts and we promise to send you at least one postcard...FREE! Normally, that would cost: 23 cents postage + the cost of the postcard + labor (Carl @ $5.15/hr., Will @ $50/hr. Note: I take a very long time), but you'll be getting all of that free. Wow.

Alright, I will sign off, now.
Welcome to our adventure.


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