Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A survey

Crossing into the US at Point Edward, we found out that the Department of Agriculture was doing "a survey on what foods people bring home to their families for holidays." Imagine that acronym (and you know there is one)! So we showed the little lady in the big parka our tomatoes, our bread, our cheese, our granola and, though we didn't pull it out of its cooler, Cynthia's butter...

Cynthia's butter:
Will's Mom read an article about Animal Farm butter and got so excited about it that she insisted that we get some in Middlebury (the only place where it is sold) before leaving, so we're driving cross country with a cooler full of fancy butter, making sure it's ice is fresh and that neither of us eats it.

Anyway, our border crossing was mercifully gentle. If we'd had to unpack the car...


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