Thursday, December 15, 2005

The end of the road?

Some of you may have noticed that our updates have been...sparse. That's because I've been in Arizona and Will's been in Aspen. Originally, the plan was for me to spend a few days in Arizona while Will sorted out some business and looked for a post-roadtrip job.

Two things happened:
-I became a familiar face in Arizona's alternative architecture community.
-Will got a job in Aspen that starts immediately (details to come...).'s over. Will took the apartment. I got the cats.

That's not to say we won't continue to update now and then, it's just less likely to be in unison.


I'm not sure what happened, but there I was sitting next to Glenn Murcutt, when the dean of The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture asked me to introduce him to the director of the Ecosa Institute (who was hosting Murcutt).

Then, last night, Paolo Soleri gave me a christmas card and a hug at the Arcosanti holiday party.

I went to the Grand Canyon.

I spent 5 hours and $1000 in a VW dealership.

I also fell in (unrequited) love.

It's been a really fun couple of weeks. When I get a minute, I'll explain all of this. I've got to go fire up the Arcosanti sweatlodge. Arizona! Who knew I'd like the place?


Wednesday, December 14, 2005


This is Joel.

He works for the Aspen Times.

Basically he skis everyday before work and writes about whatever cool story he digs up.

The first day on the job his boss told him "If it's a Powder Day no one comes in before 11:00 a.m."

The second day his boss told him "Why don't you take a couple runs before you come into work tomorrow"

It's a good job.

So we do a fair bit of skiing around here.

The days are sunny, the snow is fresh, life is hard.